Midiosfera is a TV produced by society. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Those that reach a minimum value of R$150 or R$500, respectively, grant donors the title of TV Producer for one of the channel’s series, and Executive Producer for the entire channel. These titles are earned through one-time donations in the mentioned amounts or through consecutive monthly donations that, when added together, reach these values. See below the requirements and benefits for each category.
Minimum donation of R$150, in a single payment or consecutive installments that total this amount; Participation in editorial meetings of the series you chose to support; Certificate of Producer from CMI/Midiosfera*; Access to exclusive content from all series produced by the Institute; Visit the filming behind-the-scenes of the series you chose to support**; Have your name in the end credits of the series you chose to support***.
* Donors with the title of TV Producer for one of the series can choose to change their title to Executive Producer for the entire channel once their consecutive monthly contributions reach the amount of R$500. To do so, they simply need to communicate their intention to the Civic Media Institute through the email contato@institutomidiacidada.org.br. ** Visits to the filming behind-the-scenes will be subject to geographic and practical feasibility and may vary depending on the series chosen. *** The name in the end credits of the chosen series will be included in all episodes of the season immediately following the one in effect when the minimum donation of R$150 is reached, for a minimum of 5 episodes.
– Minimum donation of R$500, in a single payment or consecutive installments that total this amount; – Participation in editorial meetings for all series produced by CMI/Midiosfera; – Certificate of Executive Producer from CMI/Midiosfera; – Access to exclusive content from all series produced by CMI/Midiosfera; – Visit the filming behind-the-scenes of all series produced by CMI/Midiosfera*; – Have your name in the end credits of all series produced by CMI/Midiosfera**; – Have your name prominently featured on the Instituto Mídia Cidadã website***; – Have your name highlighted on the Instituto Mídia Cidadã website***.
* Visits to the filming behind-the-scenes will be subject to geographic and practical feasibility and may vary depending on each series. ** The name in the end credits will be included in all episodes of one (1) season immediately following the one in effect at the time when donations reach the amount of R$500, for a minimum of 5 episodes per series, across all series produced by CMI/Midiosfera. The Executive Producer title may be extended indefinitely with a minimum consecutive monthly contribution of R$50. *** The name of the collaborator will be highlighted in the list of Executive Producers on the Civic Media Institutte website for one (1) year, starting from the donation that reaches the amount of R$500, or after the last donation of a minimum of R$50 that exceeds the initial R$500. After this period, the collaborator’s name will remain indefinitely on the website, but under the “Previous Executive Producers” column.